Auto-Gallery To Slideshow AGTS83
Auto-Gallery To Slideshow AGTS83
Contributors: migue0583
Tags: slideshow, picture gallery, lightweight
Version: 1.1
Tested up to: 5.5.1
Stable tag: 1.1
License: GPLv2 or later
Converts a common WordPress image gallery, which is show as tiles, into an image slideshow. The slideshow will rotate through the image slides. It also has controls to navigate to previous and next slide.
== Description ==
Auto-Gallery To Slideshow AGTS83 converts a common WordPress image gallery, which is show as tiles, into an image slideshow. The slideshow will rotate through the image slides. It also has controls to navigate to previous and next slide.
== How does it work? ==
It works on any WordPress image gallery. Just insert the
gallery into a post or page in the regular way. Select the gallery and, in the
Block tab, add the following class:
That's it. The preview will not change, but it will show as
slides in the page view.
It is a short plugin for a slideshow, but it does the work. More functionality to customize the slideshow will be implemented soon.
== Installation ==
Upload the Auto-Gallery To Slideshow AGTS83 plugin to your blog, activate it, and you're done!
== Changelog ==
= 1.0 =
*Release Date - 29 August 2020*
First release
Created by Miguel Escalera (
Mexico 2020